We specialize in softskills and language training, focusing on Japanese, Korean, German, and Arabic to develop individuals for brighter careers.

My Background


About Liveware Human Capital

Since Our Inception

Experience and Expertise

Over the Years

Partnerships Across Borders

Growing Brighter Careers

Innovative HR Solutions
three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard

Liveware Services

Liveware is a leading human capital management company specializing in softskills and language training. Our focus on Japanese, Korean, German, and Arabic languages sets us apart. We use data-driven insights to develop individuals and partner with organizations in Pakistan and Japan for brighter careers.

Language Training Programs

Our language training programs at Liveware are designed to enhance communication skills in Japanese, Korean, German, and Arabic. With the help of our partners in Pakistan and Japan, we provide comprehensive development opportunities for individuals seeking career advancement.

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1 U.S.A dollar banknotes